Thursday 29 September 2011



1) The main character is walking to the bus stop near her boyfriends house.

2) You see the boyfriend peering out of his upstairs window, staring at her walking away, whilst making a phone call.

3) She is alone at the bus stop when the bus arrives. She gets on the bus and sits down next to the window putting her headphones in and glancing at the empty stop she looks down to change the song and looks back at the bus stop, sees a character hood up and face down, and as the bus drives away the masked character looks up.

4) Laura reaches for phone, battery low, then dies, put's phone away and returns to ipod.

5) Shot of whole bus and other character's on bus, one DSR, one USL.

6) Behind the shoulder shot of character downstage right, brandishing the iconic same plain white mask as the character at the bus stop, reinforcing the theme of mystery and lack of identity.

7) Suspense builds, shot of bus showing character at the back, also wearing a mask.

8) Laura realises something bad going on, attempts to leave the bus, confronted by another masked character.

9) Laura is lured back onto the bus screaming. Blackout.

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