Thursday 20 October 2011


Frame by Frame Analysis - Dark Knight

Monday 10 October 2011

This is our animatic video sequence, depicting how we intend the storyline to flow. We will use this as a reference when creating our opening sequence and also incorporate a non-diegetic, original score.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Frame by frame analysis of the opening of scream (By Sabrina Bell)

Although the film scream is more well known for being a horror , there are certain elliments that make it  similar to a thriller film. I have chosen to analyse the opening scene of scream because i think it is a really effective opening, that is completely gripping. It is very much a scary opening , but at the same time it entices you to keep watching.
There is alot to say about this frame, although it is very simplistic. The word scream has obvious connections to a horror/thriller genre , and sets the tone for what a viewer should expect from the film ahead of them(alot of screaming!)The typography is in a vibrant red colour, which has many connetations; hate, anger , violence and terror By being against a dark black backround connetates the night time, where thriller movies are most effective to be viewed. If the same typography was against a white backround , it may not have the same intensity as being against a dark backround. The wriring itself is in capital letters, that are each spaced out from the other. This adds effect and stands out to a viewers eyes. Furthermore it appears to be written with a smudgy effect, that represents blood ,again something that relates to thriller movies. Along side this frame shot, there are sound effects of people screaming playing the the backround. Then you hear an old fashioned phone ring, and then the image quickly changes to the telephone.

This is the first image you see after the film title, along with the non diagetic sound of a phone ringing( because the sound has clearly been placed in afterwards for more effect). There is nothing 'thrilling' about the shot of a telephone , but the durastic change from the first screne capture to this one, leaves a viewer confused and eager to view on. The whole film is centered around mysterious phone calls from psycho killers. The fact that the first frame in the opening sequence is a phone reinforces that idea, signifying the whole film is based around a phone.

Just like any stereotypical thriller/horror , there is always a night time shot. This is a shot of a tree in the girls gardon, that ironically she is tied up to at the end of scene. Just like the previous shot of the telephone , alot of the clips incorporated into this opening, foreshadows events that are yet to come. This is the reason the director has included them. To create more emphasis on the night time scene , ambient sound of wildlife and other night time noises creates atmosphere and setting. You start to realise the main character is in the middle of nowhere, in the countrysife, and that she would be vunerable to the psycho killer that is contacting her.

Se7en opening sequence analysis (By Laura Bebber)

The beginning of the title sequence almost instantly creates the sense of fear and intensity in which psychologically plays on the reader’s mind throughout the clip. The first brief frame is a close up shot of a book in which is primarily focused on for the duration of the sequence. The next shot displays a colourless drawing of a hand. This creates anxiety as the viewer has no idea of why they are viewing this. The detail of the drawing is very specific with every aspect being perfectly defined. This could perhaps have an importance in foreshadowing later events and the whole extremity of it really reinforces the genre of the film – a thriller. As the sequence progresses, we are thrown into a small montage of clips; all showing a tiny glimpse of sharp metal objects. The viewer ultimately finds themselves engrossed into the scene as they try to make sense of it and experience escapism from reality. Throughout the journey of the clip, the mystery begins to unfold and we create a scenario of what we believe is happening. It seems to me that the central protagonist is perhaps making a scrapbook of a victim in which will become apparent in the movie later on. I believe this because there are a number of shots that display the figure printing photographs, writing and highlighting certain words. Nearing the end of the clip we are briefly shown a brutal drawing of a man being murdered. This proves that the character is iniquitous and perhaps has a motif for the intentional murder of this specific victimised individual. The character is then shown to be sewing the book together in which creates even more mystery and delusion as this is a very eccentric thing to be doing. The close up shot brings us closer to the action and causes even more intensity. We, as viewers, already have a bad perception of the main character despite only being a couple of minutes into the film and their complete lack of identity.

In between each frame, credits flash onto screen with a suitably thrilling typography. The writing appears to slightly move perhaps representing nervousness and that typical tendency to shudder when indulging into something frightening. I feel the typography was cleverly chosen as white represents the absence of colour. Colour can instantly reinforce many emotions and without it, the mind is left to think for itself. Usually, white can be seen to connote purity, peace and innocence, whereas in this case I believe that it creates a sense of curiosity and lack of knowledge as we do not know the true purpose of the scene.
The music used throughout the entire opening sequence is very cleverly incorporated. It portrays the sense of fear and intensity well and is extremely captivating. The sound is very disturbing and ultimately reinforces the thriller genre.

Monday 3 October 2011

Target Audience

Audience Demographics -
  •  Our target audience for our thriller opening is 16-25 Year olds (with horror and suspense primarily aimed at younger girls)
  • The reason we believe that our film is aimed at this particular audience, is due to our main character being within this age group.  The movie is aimed at students, either at college or university, because they are frequently using bus', so the film would relate to them, and therefore have more impact.
  • The uses and gratifications for watching a thriller movie is for escapism, and to experience situations that you haven't experienced before. Another aspect of our audience is that they should be a passive audience, in oppose to active. They would be watching the movie for entertainment purposes, rather than taking is too seriously.

Demographic profile 
Social class: Middle class
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student 
Age: 15+
Nationality: British
Interests: Thrill seeking, watching films, social aspirer.

Inspirations / Sources

The Dark Knight - Bank Robbery

The mask incorporation inspired the idea of using lack of identity to build suspense.

Se7en - Opening Credits

Again, the lack  of identity incurs concept of mystery and suspense, also intense music reinforces the audience's fear.